Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande

[0004] wearish small old man,[0014] almost
blind[0014|001] (x objects, writing up against
eye),[0015] almost deaf (cupped ear down
almost touching tape),[0004] sitting
centre on small plain wooden chair
at small plain wooden table.
[0036] A. (reading from ledger, his nose down on it)
[0037] Box ... three ... spool ... five
[0038] (He turns his head from ledger away from table xxx xxx front,
without raising it.[0039] Appreciatively.)
[0040] Spoool![0041] (again, relishing the word.)
[0042] Spooool![0045] (He turns back to table,
starts peering at the boxes) and
fumbling at the boxes.)
[0046] Box ... three.
(He turns his head front without raising
it. As before,). The rolling the r). Three!
(Pause) Thrreee! (He turns back
to boxes) Box ..... box ...... (peering
at numbers) ......... four ......... two .....
(with surprise) ... nine! .... seven ...
ah! the little rascal!
[0052] Spool
five.[0053] (He places spool on table before
him, closes box and puts it back to
with the others. He turns back to spool.)
[0054] Box thrreee spoool five.[0059] (He puts it
on the machine.)[0061] He x peers again at
ledger. Finally.)[0061|001] Passim.[0065] (He turns
head front without raising, stares
[0065] (He turns
head front without raising, stares
[0052] Spool
five.[0053] (He places spool on table before
him, closes box and puts it back to
with the others. He turns back to spool.)
[0054] Box thrreee spoool five.[0059] (He puts it
on the machine.)[0061] He x peers again at
ledger. Finally.)[0061|001] Passim.
- Segments
- Dates
- Titles
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt